The Origin of the Genie in the Lamp


Most people in the West today associate genies with lamps and wishes and certain quirky magical powers. This is largely thanks to a few pieces of popular media, including I Dream of Jeannie and Disney's version of Aladdin with that unforgettable blue genie who steals the show. Genies are actually supernatural creatures with an incredible … Continue reading The Origin of the Genie in the Lamp

How Many Different Ways Can You Spell Genie?

The word 'genie' conjures images of mystical beings of ancient folklore, magical lamps, and wishes granted to lucky individuals. The word 'jinn' conjures different images, like fierce demons and powerful spirits. You might be surprised to know that both of these words are different ways of spelling 'genie,' and they're not the only options out … Continue reading How Many Different Ways Can You Spell Genie?

How Long are Genies Trapped in Lamps?

Genies have long been a fascinating subject in folklore and mythology, captivating the imaginations of people around the world. These magical beings, often associated with Arabian tales, possess incredible powers and the ability to grant wishes. They also have a habit of getting imprisoned in lamps, pots, and rings, which brings up a fun question: … Continue reading How Long are Genies Trapped in Lamps?

The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye – A Modern Genie Story

"The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye" is a collection of five mythical short stories by British novelist A. S. Byatt published in 1994. The collection includes the story "The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye," which was originally published in The Paris Review under the same name, along with "The Glass Coffin," "Gode's Story," "The Story … Continue reading The Djinn in the Nightingale’s Eye – A Modern Genie Story

Arabian Nights Genie Stories for Kids

Arabian Nights is a collection of stories that has captured the imaginations of readers across the globe for centuries. With its diverse cast of characters, fantastical plots, and timeless themes, the collection remains a staple in literary history in many parts of the world, including Arabian countries, Europe, and throughout the West. One of the … Continue reading Arabian Nights Genie Stories for Kids

The surprising origin of the ‘genie is out of the bottle’ saying

You’ve probably heard the saying “the genie is out of the bottle” or “let the genie out of the bottle” a few times. While the meaning is pretty clear, you might be shocked to learn the origins of the phrase don’t have a lot to do with real genies (or djinn), but with something more…destructive. … Continue reading The surprising origin of the ‘genie is out of the bottle’ saying

What did Aladdin ask the genie of the lamp?

The best-known version of Aladdin in the modern West only bears a passing resemblance to the real story of Aladdin from Arabian Nights. For example, the original had two genies, only one of whom was trapped in a lamp, Aladdin wasn't an orphan beggar, and the genie wasn't, well, blue. One key difference is what … Continue reading What did Aladdin ask the genie of the lamp?